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- Concept : An anecdote always starts with Today and ends with FML. There are no taboo subjects, feel free to express yourself. - CAUTION: Read your message over.
Love and Basketball set a lot of women up for failure. As awe-inspiring as it was to see best friends become soul mates it also planted this passive ass idea of “I
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That puppy is so cute I could eat it!.
cute stories to read to your girlfriend
That puppy is so cute I could eat it!.
17.01.2013 · SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Notre Dame says a story about Manti Te'o's girlfriend dying, which he said inspired him to play better as he helped the Fighting Irish Facebook
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Urban Dictionary: mormon wine, Instagram.
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Story of Manti Te'o girlfriend and her.
NEW ORLEANS — Ever reacted to the sight of a cute puppy or darling infant by squealing, "I want to eat you up!"? Or maybe you can't help but want to pinch your
FML: Your everyday life stories
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